After installing and activating the plugin use the admin panel to create products. First create a new product using the following form
The product will then appear in the product list.
Then create a payment form using the Stripe WordPress Plugin short codes being sure to include the short code for the product. The product short code can be copy and pasted from the admin page. See the above image for an example. Here is an example:
[stripe_form_begin test=true] [diglabs_package_purchase id='1'] [stripe_form_billing_info short=true] [stripe_form_payment_info] [stripe_form_end] [stripe_form_receipt]
That’s it! Now the customer will receive an additional email (upon successful payment) to allow the digital media to be downloaded.
[thkBC height=”800″ width=”800″ anchortext=”Give Me A Try” title=”Sample Product” type=”inline” html_class=”button btn-mega btn-black” inline_id=”sample_product”]Use the form below to ‘buy’ a product (a picture of me). Use the following:
cc = 4242-4242-4242
cvc = 123
Thank You, {fname} {lname}
$ {amount} is making its way to our bank account.
A receipt has been sent to {email}.
Transaction ID: {id}
The email includes instructions on how to download in the future.
This plugin is an add-on and requires the Stripe Payments Wordpress Plugin.
Stripe Pay Per Download WordPress Add-on
- $10
- Software, Photos, Artwork...
- Secure your digital media.
- Stripe integration!
Additional Reading
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312 Monte Cristo Circle
Verona, Wisconsin 53593