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As of version 2.3.13 the Stripe Payments Plugin makes it easier to create payment forms that allow the user to select from multiple recurring plans. This version also allows the user to create their own recurring payment options and the plugin will ensure a plan exists.

Single Plan – No Choice

The plugin has always supported payment forms where visitors can signup for an existing (in Stripe) payment plan. Here is an example of using the plugin this way:

[stripe_form_begin test=true]
[stripe_form_standard_plan plan='monthly_20' short=true]

Multiple Plans

This version now supports providing a list of existing plan options. The list should be comma separated. Something like this:

[stripe_form_begin test=true]
[stripe_form_standard_plan plan='weekly_10,monthly_30,yearly_300' short=true]

Dynamic Plans

This version also supports a keyword other that indicates you want the plugin to provide the visitor with the freedom to craft their own recurring payment option. The plugin will then ensure the Stripe plan exists by dynamically creating the plan option. Here are two examples of this:

[stripe_form_begin test=true]
[stripe_form_standard_plan plan='other' short=true]
[stripe_form_begin test=true]
[stripe_form_standard_plan plan='weekly_10,monthly_20,other' short=true]